Average Weight Of Quarterbacks (Explained)

The average weight of quarterbacks in the NFL is 225 lbs in recent years. Running back is the position nearest in size to the quarterback average. Quarterbacks in college football have an average weight of 207 lbs. How Do NFL Quarterbacks Compare To Other Positions? Here is a graph of how the average weight of … Read more

Average Weight Of Defensive Backs (Explained)

The average weight of defensive backs in the NFL is 200 lbs in recent years. This is one of the lightest positions in football and is similar to the average wide receiver. Defensive backs in college football have an average weight of 189 lbs. Why Are Defensive Backs Lighter Than Many Other Positions? Defensive backs … Read more

Average Weight Of Running Backs (Explained)

The average weight of running backs in the NFL is 214 lbs in recent years. This is one of the lightest positions in football but is heavier than the average wide receiver. Running backs in college football have an average weight of 202 lbs. Why Are Running Backs Lighter Than Many Other Positions? Running backs … Read more

Average Weight Of Wide Receivers (Explained)

The average weight of wide receivers in the NFL is 200 lbs in recent years. This is one of the lightest positions in football. Wide receivers in college football have an average weight of 190 lbs. Why Are Wide Receivers Lighter Than Other Positions? Wide receivers average about 114 lbs lighter than offensive linemen. That … Read more

Lineman Versus Linebacker (Differences Explained)

Linemen and linebackers are very different positions in American football. Their different roles on the field mean that linemen tend to be significantly heavier than linebackers. This article explains their positions and what they do on the field. What’s The Difference Between A Lineman And A Linebacker? The easiest way to explain the difference between … Read more

How Mackey vs NFL Helped Free Agency

The case of Mackey v NFL was one of the most important factors in creating the modern free agency rules in NFL football. This article explains who John Mackey was, and how his lawsuit would influence professional sports so profoundly. Who Was John Mackey? John Mackey, number 88, was a star tight end in the … Read more

What Was The Rozelle Rule? (Explained Simply)

Free agency in the NFL has a complicated history. One of the main waypoints on the road to modern free agency was the Rozelle Rule. This article explains the Rozelle Rule, why it existed, and how it stopped free agency for a decade. What was the Rozelle Rule? Before we look at how this rule … Read more

What Was Radovich v NFL? (Explained Clearly)

While few people know of it today, Radovich v. NFL is one of the most important legal cases in all of American sport. This Supreme Court case decided that all sports except Major League Baseball are subject to antitrust laws. This article explains the background to the case and what happened…in plain English. Bill Radovich … Read more

NFL Concussion Lawsuits: What Happened? (Explained)

The NFL is one of the first sports in the world to deal with brain injury-related lawsuits from former players. The legal situation has been very messy and hard to follow for sports fans. This is partly because each state in the United States has its own legal code. To make things more complicated, the … Read more

College Football And NIL (Explained)

The discussion about college players getting paid has been a hot topic for at least a decade. College sports like football rake in massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the players traditionally could only receive scholarships as a benefit. This article looks at how the introduction of what’s known as NIL has made big changes to … Read more